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Why Should You Look For A Job Before Christmas?

"I'll just wait until the new year" is what we hear often - It is so easy to think that, but having this mindset when it comes to job hunting may not benefit you as much as you think.

Most people wrongly assume that all companies slow down on hiring over Christmas and won’t start looking for new employees until the New Year. That is a myth. This time of year is still a perfect time to carry on your job search and below will explain why you should begin the process in December and not January.

1. Businesses still have a hiring budget to spend

Heads of department within any company will project what their hiring plans will be for Q1 - Q4 well in advance so that the yearly budget for hires can be approved by the Finance Director. Any hard-won hiring budget will need to be utilized at year-end to ensure a similar hiring budget can be secured for the following year.

2. Holiday networking

Holiday networking has already begun. Every metro area has a full calendar of networking events where job-seekers can meet new people and reconnect with old friends. Before you hit the networking circuit, pick up some consulting business cards — here's how!

3. You’ll enter the job with a better preparation

If you’re planning on leaving your job hunting until January, you may want to re-evaluate that decision. January is often a very busy time of year for many companies and so managers may struggle to fit in interviews and training of new staff members.

The end of the year, especially just before the holiday period, can often be calmer in terms of workload, making it easier for teams to consider their recruitment for the year ahead.

Many employers would like to hire new starters using a carefully planned hiring process that would ensure the right candidate is sourced the first time. Training can be conducted following a well-structured induction plan that will allow for new starters to be brought up to speed quickly and effectively.

If recruitment takes place at the end of the year, you can then be fully trained and inducted, so you’re ready to hit the ground running in January, just like the rest of the workforce.

4. Lack of competition

If you wait till January to start job hunting, along with everyone else, your CV will be joining the hoard of other job hunter’s CVs on a hiring manager’s desk.

Use the myth that companies stop hiring during the festive holiday period to your favour. While everyone else waits to start their job search in January, start your job hunt in earnest now. Fewer applicants mean more chance of your CV being noticed and a quicker hiring process. So, make sure you craft the perfect CV, cover letter and get job hunting now.


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